Book Your Stocking 2018 |
Book Your Stocking: December 24
It has been a thrilling ride on Book Your Stocking this holiday season, and to close out the book-recommendation series that you look forward to all year, is Henry, age 5.
Henry: Give a Mouse a Cookie
Why would you want this book?
Because I have it at school.
What do you like so well about it?
I want to read it all nights until Christmas.
What is it about?
The mouse that wants cookies.
Also, I would want a book that Give a Moose a Muffin. They're painting and then a lot of paint splashed on the moose. [Uncontained laughter.] The moose fell and then boom, the pig fell also. The moose fell and the pig fell right on the moose. Oh man. They painted after the moose had a muffin.
Learn more about this series here:
Henry |
Henry is five and lives in Spokane.
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