Sunday, March 16, 2025

Wake to Words and Brew Some Coffee (March 16, 2025)

 Friends! Several months have passed since our last session of Wake to Words and Brew Some Coffee. My dear friend Tim asked me the other day if I was done doing it, as he would stop checking if that were the case. That's when I realized that I had entered a lapse of silence that I didn't want to signal an end to our poetry gatherings. 

So, thanks to Tim for lighting the candle and holding it close to my elbow. And thanks to you, listeners, for checking back in and finding me again. That is often the way of life, isn't it? Welcome to all of us. I hope that you find something in today's poems to take with you in the coming days. 




  • Not Early or Late by W.S. Merwin (from his book Garden Time)
  • My Other Dark by W.S. Merwin (from his book Garden Time)
  • The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry (from his book The Peace of Wild Things)
  • The Want of Peace by Wendell Berry (from his book The Peace of Wild Things)
  • Two Watches by Mosab Abu Toha (from his book Forest of Noise)
  • See the Kites? by Mosab Abu Toha (from his book Forest of Noise)


🠊 Poetry sessions appear most every Sunday morning at