Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Erin Pringle Book Signing at Auntie's this Sunday, October 8th (2023)

On Sunday, I'll be at Auntie's downtown signing copies of Unexpected Weather Events. You can find me there from 11-2. Please do stop by. We can converse about the weather, books, and whatever we'd like. And if you'd like my John Hancock, then I'm happy to do that, too. I think books are always the best stocking stuffers. Wink.

Sunday, October 8th
11-2 PM
Auntie's Bookstore
402 W. Main, Spokane, WA

Can't attend? Let's find another time. Event calendar here:

“Reading UNEXPECTED WEATHER EVENTS is like looking into a snow so mesmerizing and crystalline you are unable to turn away, at once illuminated and profoundly lost. They are stories of winter madness—troubling, tender, and hallucinatory—stories of connection and misconnection, of love and grief and isolation in the increasingly dangerous and tenuous reality of our contemporary condition.” — Polly Buckingham, author of THE EXPENSE OF A VIEW and THE RIVER PEOPLE