Sunday, January 29, 2023

Wake to Words and Brew Some Coffee (January 29, 2023)

Every Sunday we share coffee, and I read good poems by other people. I'm glad for that. Somehow, we've reached the last Sunday in January with poems while others compete to sell the most cars by the end of the month, or to kill the most people in a moment, or to kick off the year by murdering a man on his way from here to there. 

I hope you had a week. I hope we have another. 

Amidst it all, preschoolers frown in concentration as they hum the written sounds of their language, cats curl into their beds after breakfast, and mothers try to plan around war. Wherever you may be this week, in this strange world, here are a few poems for you.


By Marvin Bell from his book Mars Being Red

  • Coffee
  • What Things Are

By Wendell Berry from his book Leavings

  • A Letter (to Ed McClanahan)
  • Men Untrained to Comfort


🠊 Catch the live show on Sunday mornings at some time-ish: