Welcome to the latest session of Wake to Words and Brew Some Coffee.
How this works:
1. I read good poems by other people.
2. We all drink coffee (or not).
Poems read:
- Ghosts by Jack Gilbert (from his book The Great Fires)
- Deliverance by Jericho Brown (from his book The Tradition)
- The War Works Hard by Dunya Mikhail (from her book The War Works Hard, trans. by Elizabeth Winslow)
- Between Two Wars by Dunya Mikhail (from her book The War Works Hard, trans. by Elizabeth Winslow)
- Diehards by Ray McManus (from Poetry, Volume 218, No. 3)
- Drawl and Hum by Tina Mozelle Braziel (from Poetry, Volune 218, No.3)
- Poem from Pearl’s House by C.D. Wright (from her book Shallcross)