Thanks to Breanna White and crew over at TypeBee Printshop for these wonderful business cards. They are made on an old, working letter-press in Post Falls, Idaho, situated in the warehouse behind DOMA Coffee. In fact, if you love DOMA coffee, and bought it in a bag, guess who printed the bag. TypeBee Printshop.
I'd originally learned about Breanna and TypeBee from an article about her that ran in Spokane's weekly,
The Inlander. As soon as I read it, I wanted to meet her because she went to school in Illinois, was an artist, interesting words came out of her mouth, and luckily, she was nearby. It took about a year before I had a good reason to email her, beyond a fan letter, which I couldn't write out of the awkward. But once I met her, I did! And then I got to tour her shop, see the wedding invitations, business holiday giveaways, broadsides, calendars, posters, prints, and more that she makes.
Black Lives Matter letters laid out
for pressing for Spokane's MLK parade. The
type is from MLK's era. |
Letterpress cabinet where the different type is stored. |
Close up of the blocks that she has used for different projects. |
Breanna White running the press |
Breanna White running the press |
Breanna also has a desk press that she uses for demonstrations and workshops that she teaches at the local library and around town, and so she showed my son Henry how to work the small press.
It was a wonderful day, and now, time has passed, and I have these really elegant business cards, a great story to go with them, and better than all of that, a connection to another artist making her way in the world, within the Inland Northwest.
Learn more about Breanna White and TypeBee here:
And if you have a project in mind,
I know she'll be awesome to work with.