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My mother, 1939 |
Since I interviewed my mother a few years ago, hers has become the most popular post on What She Might Think. Because of this and because I won't see her this Christmas, I wanted to interview her again.
To prepare, I searched online for images of the house where she grew up in the 1940s and '50s, and where I would spend many of my Christmases through the 1980s and '90s.
I located the house on google maps, and stood in front of it in a virtual world. A junk car was parked outside. A destitute grocery cart was kicked up on the curb. The tree blocked most of the porch where a swing once hung and my grandmother's plants grew in heavy planters, and where I roller-skated back and forth one visit. The house like a gravestone, a wind-block for someone else's faded flowers.
Built in 1915, only a few years after my grandmother was born, my grandparents' house was first my great-grandfather's, Great-Grandpa Steffee. Evidently, when my great-grandmother died of tuberculosis, my grandmother decided that, as my mother says, great-grandfather "couldn't boil water", and so she insisted that she, her husband (my grandfather) and their young family move in with him.
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My mother, her father, her grandmother |
I remember you talking fondly of your childhood Christmases. I remember you saying you would get an orange in your stocking every year, and I think you also got candy. It seems that one year you got a doll but weren't very impressed with her: I think you'd wanted something else. Can you describe your Christmases more?
Probably the expectation of everything-Christmas was as wonderful, if not more so, than the actual opening of gifts. According to Mother, my dad started our tradition of opening our gifts on Christmas Eve. Then, while we slept that night, Mother filled the stockings with the above fruit, candy, and tiny gifts wrapped in the previously used wrapping paper from Christmas Eve. I'm sure we went to Grandma Ryan's house on Christmas Eve (before the late-night worship
service at church) or Christmas Day.
Part of the preparation was going to Dalton's grocery store a block away--before supermarkets were 'invented'--to choose a scrawny, short-needled pine tree for our Christmas tree. Each tree was set in a block of wood (also prior to tree stands) and usually had one side with branches fuller than the other side--the one we put against the window so we wouldn't have to look at it! Mother also managed to buy or gather additional greenery to...
spread over the mantle, for she decorated it, as well. She and we 3 children did the decorating, adding popcorn strings of our own threading.
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Cover of Sears & Roebuck Wishbook (1944) |
Then, we looked forward to the generous-sized box that Aunt Helen sent to us with gifts galore--one or more for each of us and some for our parents and Grandpa Steffee, as well. The Biebels were crafty in their gifts and often made some of them by hand.
Interestingly, as I look back, I don't believe Judy, Gary, and I exchanged gifts with one another. Neither am I sure we even gave one to our parents and grandfather.
Storybook Doll, circa 1940s |
Cookie-baking was a big part of our Christmas (as well as eating them constantly, so much so that one Christmas I became sick from eating so many oatmeal cookies)! Besides oatmeal, we baked brownies, sugar cookies with icing, maybe chocolate chip. Mother also made some chocolate fudge especially for Dad, though I'm thinking we were also allowed to indulge.
"I did like the dolls I received, but they were never as beautiful as the boxed ones at downtown Woolworth's. . ." |
Mother sent Christmas cards to all her friends and family and many responded so that we had an entire mantle full of them hanging on a tiny Christmas 'clothesline.'
At least once during the season, we went downtown--before shopping centers and malls were 'invented'--to see the stores and their decorations. I don't remember ever sitting on Santa's lap or of even seeing him around town.
Did you look forward to Santa coming?
Yes, I did, until 2nd grade when I learned from a classmate, Donald Pfingston that there wasn't an Easter Bunny! When I asked that night at home, Mother told me the sordid truth, adding 'no Santa, no Tooth Fairy'! I was upset by such news because for one, Judy already knew the truth and had kept it from me, as had Mother, and two, some kid I didn't even like was the bearer of this news!
Did your family use the fireplace when you were children?
We used it a little bit when it was very cold outdoors. It was a gas 'fake' fire, not a real wood fireplace. Didn't matter, as Mother suggested that our Santa would come through the front door in his delivery of gifts. I thought that was totally unromantic and dull, but went along with it anyway. ...such a practical Santa (& Mother)!
Would you write Santa a letter?
Yes, we did write Santa a letter and mailed it to Santa Claus, Indiana--down by Holiday World, receiving a reply. I kept that letter for years... wonder if it's still in my possession?
Did you have snowball fights?
No snowball fights but I wanted it to snow enough that we could build an igloo or snow fort like my 3rd grade friend said she did in Arlington, VA, where they'd moved.![]() |
"Songs like 'I'll Be Home For Christmas' [. . .] were popular." |
What other winter rituals did your family have?
We would burn the Yule Log. We'd go out at Midnight and rattle our horns and sometimes the neighbors would be having a party. I miss that because I don't live where anybody stays up to midnight, but I don't either.
Was that silver-foil tree that I took home from Grandma's attic from your childhood, or did that come after you had moved out?
The foil tree came later, after I left home. Apparently it's an antique because I remember Cindy [my sister-in-law] talking about one she sold on eBay. I just thought the tree was a bit gaudy. I think it was Grandmother's, and she gave it to mother. It was ugly. Especially that pole painted silver that you stuck the branches in. --You can't keep laughing. It's late here, and we need to get this done.
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"Fourth Street Lighting on Market Square" Evansville, IN (1936) |
We were not a singing household. I'm the only one who really liked to sing. But anyway, I never heard him sing any Christmas carols except when he was drunk, but don't put that in.
Christmas was hard for him because he didn't get anything as a child. There were too many kids and no money. It was really a hard time for him. He would go shave when he would "go down town". That's what mother would say, but I later learned that he would go place bets with the bookies. I would think, That's odd that he's going downtown when all the stores were closed. I didn't quite buy mother's version.
Would your father be more irritable around Christmas since he worked at the post office and was busier? Would you ever go to the post office to visit him?
Probably. He worked at the downtown Post Office, mostly and at the window as a clerk, which means he had to deal with people he thought did stupid things; he was quite critical of anyone not too smart or savvy about how to do things in a sensible way. When I was older, Dad worked at some of the branch offices--like Howell, on the west side of town, and we'd go to pick him up--one of us drove there, and he let us in to the back office while he finished his work for the day.
Probably. He worked at the downtown Post Office, mostly and at the window as a clerk, which means he had to deal with people he thought did stupid things; he was quite critical of anyone not too smart or savvy about how to do things in a sensible way. When I was older, Dad worked at some of the branch offices--like Howell, on the west side of town, and we'd go to pick him up--one of us drove there, and he let us in to the back office while he finished his work for the day.
Would you mostly walk everywhere in the winter? Did you have winter boots? What did your coat look like?
Yes, we walked to school daily all winter....took the city bus downtown, though, and Dad drove us across town when we all visited Grandma and Grandpa Ryan. Winter boots? Don't remember. . . but do remember wearing 'sensible shoes': oxfords.![]() |
My mother's mother and father |
I think Mother had a grayish fur coat at one point, but I mostly remember her cloth coats--red or beige. My coat was nothing special that I recall, but do remember buying a car coat for taking to college--bought at Saum's bargain basement in town. We were just a middle-class family so didn't expect extravagant things. On the other hand, Jim's grandmother Pringle had furs and his mother also wore them (maybe as a hand-me-down from Grandma Pringle).
I remember you would sing me "Angels We Have Heard On High" as a bedtime song throughout the year, which is my favorite Christmas carol. What was your favorite Christmas carol as a child and what is your favorite carol now? Would your mother sing to you?
I don't know what my favorite is. . . well, I do know. I do want to mention that in first-grade we sang "There's a Song in The Air". It had hard words in it, so I was very impressed. My favorite one was "Away in a Manger" because Mrs. Salm invited me to sing the last verse when children were baptized in church. One time when I was supposed to sing it, I just panicked because I couldn't remember the words. That scared me.

In high school, we put on the plays, too. It was a great honor to be Mary. At least I thought it was. They always chose the gorgeous girls to be Mary. I sang in the choir. One of the boys sang "I Wonder As I Wander". Do you know that one? I always liked that one, and I liked him singing it.
The other one was “The Star” and that written by Mr. Hyatt, he was the music teacher, the choral director of Bosse High school. We loved him.
[She tells how, a few years ago, the choir director at her church had her choir sing it, and how special that was for her.]
Nowadays, my favorite one is “Mary, Did You Know?”
You asked about mother. No, she didn't sing to us. The only time was at church, she'd sing a hymn. Aunt Helen would sing.
One of my grandmother Ryan's ornaments |
It's probably been over five years since I've been caroling. We'd go to the nursing homes around here. It wasn't really satisfying. I didn't know anyone for one thing. They were either asleep or 'not there'. I do remember with fondness the caroling we would do as children. I guess it's just more wonderful from a child's point of view. I felt honored to sing to people who were shut-in. I hate that word. And invalids. That was the first time I learned that word. Maybe we'd go to older members' houses. There were a lot of us in the group. That was special.
I remember you said that the girl who lived next door, and maybe some other children in the neighborhood, were mainly your playmates in the summer because they were Catholic and went to Catholic school during the year. Did you ever go to mass with your neighbor-kid friends, or was that not typically done?
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Grandma Ryan in the news (1978) for leading the Washington Presbyterian antique show. She was church secretary there for many years. |
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My grandmother's bridge club, Evansville, IN |
When I go into the thrift stores, there are all these old (and even recently used) sets of Christmas plates and serving ware. Did your mother have special Christmas dishes?
No. She didn't have any special dishes. The only thing she had special that she did not let the family use was those blue glasses and plates that she would use for her bridge club. Eventually she gave them to Jennifer [my sister], or maybe to me and then I gave them to Jennifer.
What was Evansville like during Christmas; was there a difference between how it seemed during Christmas while your father was in WWII and after he came back?
Anyway, but I don't remember Christmas with or without him. All that time was a blur. If we did go downtown, I was really dazzled by those stores. I know I missed him because I either prayed or wished on a star, probably on a star--little kids did that--that he would come home, and I was sure that the star had moved, and I was sure it was headed to Germany to tell him to come home. And he did, three years later.
Would you play with the ceramic Nativity Scene that Grandma would set out on the record player, or did the Nativity Scene come after you grew up?
What do you imagine?
Oh, I want bigger figures. But they're expensive. I don't want them now, that's just more stuff.
Were you or your siblings ever in a Christmas Pageant?
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Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church, Evansville, Indiana (circa 1920s) |
So, we got to the earthquake, and we were supposed to run across the stage, that's where the pastor usually speaks from. Well, we were running across it back and forth and back behind the organ pipes, and it was so fun because you would never imagine that you could run in church like that, and so it was like we were breaking some rule. We loved it. The earthquake was our cue to run back and forth. Any other time that behavior would be considered totally inappropriate. Okay.
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My mother's mother, sledding Evansville, IN (1918) |
Did you watch him make it?
Oh, no. I watched him sometimes make stuff.
Where did he work?
In the basement. He had a workbench. I don't even know what he made. Except for the trunk Judy kept her dolls in.
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"I identified with the poor little girl." |
What Christmas books do you remember reading as a child?
The Night Before Christmas" "Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer", which was invented later in my childhood. "The Gift of the Magi" impressed me as a short story; I identified with the poor little girl. There was no Dr. Seuss yet with all his Christmas books.Did Christmas change meaning for you when you became a mother?
Yes. Oh, because you just try, you focus on delighting your own children with Christmas experiences, and it's fun to see it from the child's viewpoint, and you didn't before, because it was all about you—me. I don't think I was successful, I tried really hard to make it feel the same as when I was growing up, but it just wasn't like it.
Has it changed meaning over the course of your life?
What gift can I get for someone else?--That's always my question. Trying to please others. Of course, the spiritual side of it continues to go deeper and deeper. And I realize all that changed when I left home to go to college.
What was the difference?
Well, because, that was just the turning-point because I wasn't the receiver anymore; now it was time to give. It was just different. College changes you. Leaving and coming home. It's never the same. That was a big change in my life anyway.
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Stanley Hall, Evansville, IN Circa 1915 |
These days, I decide, what I'm going to look for—the little things that remind me what Christmas is about. What something someone might say.
I know your habits during each season, like I know that you haven't turned up the thermostat and you wear your hat inside, but what do you think about winter? Does it resonate for you in a way that other seasons don't?
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My mother, 2010 |
Is there anything you'd like to add?
The only thing I would add is how I decorate now. I put out all these things that have memories. . . that's quite an emotional day. So I'm sitting here looking at Mother's green Christmas tree skirt. . . and I'm putting out Christmas cards I received. And then the ornaments that have been here forever.