Thursday, May 10, 2012

Short-Story Month 2012: Day 10, Mirrors by Carol Shields

Today's story selection
comes from a writer whose
line and work always
has a quiet patience to its
tone and content.  One of
the master writers of the
20th century who is most
known for her novels such
as the Pulitzer-Prize winning
Stone Diaries, Carol Shields.

"Untitled" by Daniel Oines,
Used under CC license

"From June to August they choose to forget who they are, or at least what they look like, electing an annual season of non-reflectiveness in the same way other people put away their clocks for the summer or their computers or door keys or microwave ovens."

Please, enjoy

by Carol Shields

(Shields was originally from Illinois 
but later moved to Canada, so she's often 
thought of as a Canadian writer, but 
to this writer and also native of Illinois, 
Shields's concerns have always
seemed Midwestern.)

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