In seven days, she'll be departing from Spokane and flying her way with strangers toward Dublin. A few connecting flights, a few conveyor belts, a few drinks and sighs and general-interest magazine articles later, and she'll be in . . . Amsterdam, and will get to visit with an old college chum, and then back to the airport and to. . . Dublin and the Eighth Annual Phoenix Convention (March 4-6 @ The Central Hotel). A reading will be involved as well as sitting in on a few interesting panels, such as perspective in writing.
P-Con Guests include C. E. Murphy, Cheryl Morgan, Bob Neilson, Derek Gunn, John Kenny, Juliet E. McKenna, Peadar O'GuilĂn, R.F.Long, and many more. The guest of honor is Ian McDonald.

P-Con Guests include C. E. Murphy, Cheryl Morgan, Bob Neilson, Derek Gunn, John Kenny, Juliet E. McKenna, Peadar O'GuilĂn, R.F.Long, and many more. The guest of honor is Ian McDonald.